Profilbild von Thomas Zorbach

Thomas Zorbach er/ihn

Digital Storyteller

Thomas helps brands to find and tell better stories. Together with his team at vm-people he creates immersive experiences in order to transform attitudes and behaviors. Since the pandemic hit, Thomas has become a frequent traveler of the Metaverse. Equipped with a headset and controllers, he hosts conferences, gives lectures, runs theater courses, throws parties and assists others in exploring the potential of Virtual Reality and the Metaverse for their purposes.

Deine Spende für die TINCON

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Vier Jugendliche sitzen um einen Tisch und benutzen Lötkolben, während weiter Jugendliche ihnen dabei zusehen.


Hauptförder*innen der TINCON 2025

Kooperationspartner*innen der TINCON 2025


Zeichnung von Grumpy Cat