Profilbild von Game: Festival Tycoon

Game: Festival Tycoon

Event Simulation

Festival Tycoon is a music festival management game with additional RTS game play elements. The game is separated into build- and live part. During the build part, the player’s tasks include planning the location layout, booking bands with fitting genres, organizing the stage line-up, looking for sponsors, selling tickets or signing broadcast contracts. Besides that, the player can micromanage a lot of different systems to make sure everything is planned perfectly. In the following live part, the visitors arrive at the location and the festival starts. The player must sort out different problems like empty food courts, disputes between visitors or catching vandals and pickpockets. Other tasks include welcoming bands or crowd control. When the festival is over, it’s time to start planning for the next season using the earned profit – if there is a profit.

Deine Spende für die TINCON

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Vier Jugendliche sitzen um einen Tisch und benutzen Lötkolben, während weiter Jugendliche ihnen dabei zusehen.


Hauptförder*innen der TINCON 2025

Kooperationspartner*innen der TINCON 2025


Zeichnung von Grumpy Cat