Public Art Lab
Public Art Lab is specialised in creative city making. It curates urban media art projects and festivals that empower citizens’ engagement and citizen science. By including stakeholders in the co-design process, community place making and neighbourhood building is catalysed from the very beginning. Digital Calligraffiti is a neighbourhood project that gives voice to social groups to write their opinion ‚ beautifully’ in the style of calligraffiti facilitated by professional calligraffiti artists. The first Digital Calligraffiti Camp took place during the retune 2016 and invited refugees and people from migrating cultures to intermediate their values of cultures. The project is constantly being developed seeking to explore new possibilities of expression by working with other social groups. Michael Ang (Mang) and Hamza Abu Ayyash developed for that context the Infl3ctor which is an interactive light table for live performances.Digital Calligraffiti is initiated and curated by Public Art Lab, co-produced by From Here to Fame Publishing House. It is a project developed in the framework of Future DiverCities and co-funded by the European Union / Creative Europe Programme.