Profilbild von Michaela Pnacekova

Michaela Pnacekova

creator, producer, academic

Michaela Pnacekova is an interactive creator, producer and an academic. A Symphony of Noise VR is her first interactive project as a creative director and producer. She is also in development of a documentary detective game Pre-Crime Simulation, of which she is the author and producer of. She is also the German co-producer on the mixed-reality project Chomsky vs Chomsky by Sandra Rodriguez and THE Twilight World of Voodoo by Awan Tarun. For three years, she headed the Kloos & Co Medien documentary film production subsidiary in Leipzig. Between 2014 and 2019, she produced two short films and three feature length documentaries: Border Cut, Scars and Waterproof. She also worked on the Oscar® nominated documentary Last Men in Aleppo which premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2017. Before she started producing, she worked for film festivals and she wrote two theatre plays. From September 2019 she starts a PhD program in New Media at York University in Toronto.

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