Profilbild von James “Fader” Cui

James “Fader” Cui

Multi-Media Artist

James “Fader” Cui is a talented multi-media artist and VJ specialized in Stage Design, software development and Video Mapping.Over the past decade, Fader has contributed to many big festivals such as CoachellaBurning ManInsomniacFuji RockMapping FestivalBackwoods and Intro Music Festival. In 2004, he founded Neuromixer to release AVmixer, a line of VJ software for live performances. In 2017 he established AVloops GmbH, a video content marketplace platform for VJ related animations and loops.At the moment, while busy with the role of CEO, he continues to freelance as a VJ and stage designer to share with people his passion for audiovisual. Additionally, he’s been teaching video mappingProcessing and Unity 3D to like-minded artists.

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