Rami Rihawi

Teenage slang chat bot

TINCON Berlin 2018
Workshop | 9. Juni 2018, 12:00–13:00 Uhr | THE ZELT (Workshop Area)

In this workshop you can do important work for our society: Help the world to communicate!
Together with Rami Rihawi, Software Developer and Student, you’re gonna create a chat bot for teenage slang.
Without any cringe moments, hopefully. You’ll give all “the older ones” the chance to talk and maybe, to understand the opportunities of your generation!

This workshop will be held in english.


  • Rami Rihawi

    Software Developer & Student

    Rami Rihawi is 24 years old, a software developer and a informatics Student from Aleppo, Syria. Two years ago he arrived in Germany. Since …

    Profil von Rami Rihawi →

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