Gad Hinkis

Interactive music making – Jam session workshop

TINCON Berlin 2018
Workshop | 8. Juni 2018, 17:30–18:10 Uhr | funk Lounge (Stage 2)

Gad Hinkis, the founder of the Jambl music app, will be hosting an Interactive Music + Jam workshop. Gadi will guide you on some basic techniques of collective music making. All that using a very intuitive mobile app, where you don’t need any previous musical experience and can learn how to make electronic live music in seconds.
After the workshop, the jam station will stay there for everyone to play. Come and join the tablet electronic orchestra!

This workshop will be held in english.


  • Gad Hinkis

    Producer & Musician & Founder

    Gad is an electronic music producer, a front man of an electro-swing band Dirty Honkers and a founder of music creation app JAMBL. He is an …

    Profil von Gad Hinkis →

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