Drury Brennan

Connected by Calligraffiti

TINCON Berlin 2018
Workshop | 9. Juni 2018, 12:10–13:10 Uhr | funk Lounge (Stage 2)

This workshop is about connecting - about coming together with new friends. TINCON is the perfect place to get along with somebody you don´t know. So why not connecting through art?
Calligraphy is an ancient writing technique using flat egded pens to create artistic lettering using thick and thin lines. This visual art technique is being used in a different way at TINCON. The artist Drury is giving a workshop to connect people from different countries in a special way. To cross borders the participants will write their names in another language, the language of their new workshop mates, using calligraffiti, a calligraphy-tag.
Come along, learn calligraffiti and tag your name.


  • Drury Brennan

    Calligraffiti Künstler

    Coming from the jazz music scene Drury Brennan sees calligraffiti as a mysterious and adventurous world he wants to explore. Seeking …

    Profil von Drury Brennan →

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